Product Description
Benefits of 9 Mukhi Rudraksha
• This again is one of the multipurpose Rudrakshas, 9 mukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Nav Durga (9 forms of Goddess Durga). Each & every goddess blesses you in a specific way.
• 9 mukhi Rudraksha benefits include being excellent for people facing sloth, inertia, and low energy levels; it helps us gear up & blesses you with dynamism.
• This Rudraksha also includes the benefits of a 7 mukhi Rudraksha (Goddess Mahalaxmi is one of the 9 Durgas) & helps its possessor overcome financial obstacles.
• Being a symbol of Mother Durga, nine mukhi Rudraksha also blesses you with a lot of protection from evil & negativity.
• Excellent for growing children as it protects them & also blesses them with good memory power, creativity, talent channelization, focus, concentration & logical thinking (Goddess Saraswati).
• Very good for people who do not have a good mother-child relationship.
• Also recommended for people who face problems due to a weak or negative Ketu / Dragon’s Tail / South Node astrologically.
• Many sites & vendors also recommend different Rudrakshas to overcome various specific fatal & non-fatal diseases, but we have no idea if nine face Rudraksha actually cures them.
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Technical Details of 9 Mukhi Rudraksha
Different names of the Rudraksha: 9 mukhi Rudraksha / Nav Mukhi Rudraksha / 9 faced Rudraksha / Shree Nav Durga Rudraksha / nine mukhi Rudraksha.
Breed: Nepal
Quality: Excellent
Seasonal Availability of 9 mukhi Rudraksha: Average; but less than 3-8 mukhi & 10 mukhi Rudraksha.
Important Vedic & Astrological Associations of 9 Mukhi Rudraksha
Symbol of: Goddess Nav Durga (9 forms of Goddess Durga)
Ruling Planet: Ketu / Dragon’s Tail / South Node. 9 mukhi Rudraksha power helps to curb the various malefic effects caused by Ketu.
Begin Wearing on: Monday
Seed Mantra: Om Hreem Hoom Namaha
Ritual before wearing: Rudra Abhishek
Possess the Power of 9 Mukhi Rudraksha……………rudrablessings
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