6 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits Article, Original 6 Mukhi Rudraksha
Benefits of 6 Mukhi Rudraksha
A Rudraksha with six faces (six grooves) is a symbol of Lord Kartikeya (second son of lord Shiva). It is said when invoked it blesses the wearer with wisdom, helps develop a stable mind, controls nervousness, anxiety, tenseness, uneasiness, increases & stabilises fluctuating will power.
• Many sites & vendors also recommend different Rudrakshas to overcome various specific fatal & non fatal diseases but we have no idea if Rudrakshas actually cures them; however for your convenience below is the list of diseases that other sites are claiming to be cured by 6 mukhi rudraksha
• Controls sexual diseases, mouth disease, urinary problem.
• Neck related, dropsy, Cancer, organ failure, kidney, neck, throat.
• Indigestion, arthritis, eye, nerve/vein related,thyroid.
• Childless couple wear this along with 4 mukhi, gauri shankar.