Name: Shivling Shaligram
Measurement: 71 x 43 x 50mm apprx.
Weight: 171 gms. 1 set (2 piece)
Actual Photo: The image shown is the actual photo of the product. It is not a representative image (Photo). Generally tactics used by other websites is to give one best representative product image (photo) and not the actual image (photo), and further supply as per their own desire.
We at Rudrablessings supply you the same product as shown in the image (photo), not as per our desire, provided the same product is not marked as sold.
Authenticity: Whether you buy or do not buy from us is secondary, but we insist that you must read the so called Authenticity Certificate before making any purchase from any trader.
Disclaimer: Please click to read Caution / Disclaimer before purchasing from us. We would take it for granted you have read the same before purchase.
You would come across lot of website and vendors selling Shaligram and would be noticing the word (Donate Now) instead of Buy now.
Well what is the meaning of word “Donate Now” when the buyer is clicking on it (Donate Now) actually he is buying it and spending his money. If he wants to donate the same (Shaligram) or keep it, it is his choice or wish, who is the vendor (website owner/seller) to ask him to donate or is the website owner claiming that all the money in the sales of Shaligram so received is being donated?. If Yes why don’t you ask the vendor, in which temple it is being donated or to which trust it is being donated or where it is donated. Incase even if he is able you give the name of trust, please cross check it and don’t go by his word and further we will go one step ahead, tell the vendor that you are ready to buy and would like to directly donate the amount of the product (Shaligram) to the temple & trust directly, would he deliver the Shaligram after that. If he says no then say why this Gimmick ”Donate Now” This type of vendors try to show that they are too religious conscious and they do lot of donation. Is it really so. They sell each and every Shaligram for few thousand to Lakhs and try to show that they donate all the money.
Double Standard and hypocracy is the yardstick here.
Shameful, unbelievable, hypocrates are ruling the world just trying to do (fool others) anything for money.
We at Rudrablessings do not donate at all. We purely sale for earning, take it or leave it.
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