Type of Beads: 5 mukhi Chikna Chapta Rudraksha beads.
Configuration: 108 + 1 = 109 beads.
Breed: Indonesian
Size of beads: 7.5 - 8 mm approx.
Quality: 100% Authentic - Superfine
Length of the Mala: 14 inches approx.
Description: Chapta means flat like a tyre. Each and every bead in this mala are in the shape of a flat tyre (chapta) with that it has got a smooth (chikna) surface making it a very unique and rare Mala.
In comparison any other 5 Mukhi Malas may have either thorny or smooth surface but their shape will be always round but definitely not chapta (flat)
Typical example: Nature produces say 1 Lakh normal round beads, against that you may just happen to get 10-15 beads naturally produced by nature of chapta rudraksha making it unique and rare.
Purpose: This mala is used for performing japa & also for wearing around the neck. 5 Mukhi Rudrakshas are excellent for giving a lot of peace of mind & maintaining blood pressure.
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